Hello all, It has been a LONG time since my last post and a SHORT summer, I fear. But here is a project I did. We are heading out to Disneyland soon and I wanted to save some money on souvenirs. So, I decided to make shirts for both days. This set was made with a Mickey Head that I cut to fit a 12X12 Mat. I used Contact Paper as my stensil medium. Once I had all the cutouts stuck on the Shirts I used Tulip Fabric Paint in the pump spray bottles and went to town. I didn't want to cover EVERY square inch of the shirt so I left the tops white. It looked kind a like they were dipped that way to me. :O) I borrowed this idea from the last Family Fun Mag that came to the house. Good idea!!
I'll post the second set of shirts tomorrow or Friday. They are tye-dye. :O)