Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 4 - Craft Room Disaster - FIXED

Okay, so I went to craft yesterday and was paralyzed by fear that everything on my crafting table would come crashing down and I would have to use my Aflac Accident Policy (might be nice to actually use it). Instead of doing my famous, close the door and worry about it tomorrow (Scarlet O'Hara and I get along swimmingly), I chose to do something about it. So I closed the door and went to IKEA and bought a shelving unit. I put it together and started organizing. It is not beautiful, but it is done and I know where stuff is. ~ Jeanine

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to learn from you. I have always wanted to do craftlike things, but never took the time to learn how. Super excited!!!
